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Jason personal apartments

Le jeune Comte lui avait gentiment offert l'hospitalité en son palais. Il y avait fait ramener ses malles de l'auberge où il s'était arrêté en arrivant en fin d'après midi.
Il avait été séduit par l'architecture des lieux et l'accueil chaleureux de son hôte. Il était en Espagne pour ses études et n'avait pensé juste avoir l'autorisation de pouvoir utiliser la bibliothèque du palais dont on lui avait vanté les parchemins et les ouvrages. Il n'aurait jamais pensé être invité à séjourner au palais.

Quand il pénétra dans la pièce il fut séduit par la décoration. De belles tapisseries aux décors rupestres donnaient de la chaleur à la pièce. Dans la cheminée un feu crépitait.
Le lit imposant était entouré de tentures épaisses qui cachait l'occupant à la vue de quiconque pouvait pénétrer en ce lieu. Devant l'âtre il fit déposer la peau d'ours qu'il avait ramené de son voyage au pays des barbaresques. Il aimait s'y allonger pour lire.
Il fit déposer son écritoire sur la table en bois précieux pendant qu'il s'approchait des hautes fenêtres qui offraient une splendide vue sur les jardins du domaine.

L'après_midi s'était déroulée fort agréablement, son hôte lui avait fait découvrir des peintures grecques ma foi fort agréables à regarder et très suggestives. Ses sens en avaient été tous émoustillés et heureusement qu'un valet était venue les interrompre car ils s'étaient assez rapprochés. Il se remémorait la chaleur de sa main qui l'avait totalement électrisé quand il avait effleuré la sienne en tournant les pages du livre qu'il lui montrait. Étais ce voulue ou non, le fait est que le contact avait été des plus agréable.
Le jeune Vissac ressentait un certain émois totalement nouveau pour lui. Il aimait passionnément son épouse et ne se serait jamais cru attiré par un homme. Pourtant les faits étaient là, il avait ressentit des choses qui jusque là ne lui avaient été apportées que par des femmes.

Comme le repas allait être servit, il décida de se vêtir avec élégance, mais avant il profita du bain qui avait été préparé à son intention. Il se glissa avec délice dans l'eau chaude et laissa son esprit vagabonder. Il allait vraiment apprécier son séjour et pas simplement pour les livres qu'il allait pouvoir parcourir et étudier. Il allait vraiment pouvoir goûter à toutes les spécialité de ce royaume et en y pensant un frisson de plaisir le parcourut.

Il était partit loin quand on vint le prévenir que le comte s'impatientait de ne pas le voir revenir. Il sortit donc de l'eau depuis longtemps refroidie et se laissa frictionner et habillé avant de quitter la pièce pour rejoindre la salle où serait servit le dernier repas de la journée.


The young Comte had kindly offered him hospitality in his palace. He had his trunks back to the hostel where he had stopped arriving in the late afternoon.
He was seduced by the architecture of the place and the warm welcome of its host. He was in Spain for his studies and had thought just having permission to use the library of the palace which had extolled the scrolls and books. He never thought being invited to stay at the palace.

When he entered the room he was impressed by the decor. Beautiful tapestries to rock scenery gave warmth to the room. In the fireplace crackling fire.
The bed was surrounded by imposing heavy curtains that hid the occupant at the sight of anyone who could enter this place. Before the fire he drop the bearskin he had brought back from his trip to the land of Barbary. He liked to lie to read it.
He deposited his desk on the precious wooden table as he approached the high windows that offered a splendid view of the estate's gardens.

The afternoon took place very nicely, the host introduced him to Greek paintings my faith very pleasant to look at and very suggestive. His senses were all exhilarated and fortunately a servant came to interrupt them because they were pretty close together. He remembered the warmth of his hand that had completely electrified when he touched his turning the pages of the book he showed her. This was intended or not, the fact is that the contact was most enjoyable.
The young Vissac felt some emotions totally new to him. He passionately loved his wife and would never have believed attracted to a man. Yet the facts were there, he felt things that previously had been made to him by women.

As the meal was being served, he decided to dress elegantly, but before he took advantage of the bath which had been prepared for him. He slipped soak in warm water and let his mind wander. He would really enjoy his stay and not just for the books he was going to go and study. It was really able to taste the specialties of this kingdom and thinking it a thrill ran through the.

He was gone far when we came to inform him that the count was impatient to not have him back. So out of the water cooled long ago and dropped rub and dressed before leaving the room to join the room where is served the last meal of the day.

Moved closer to him while stroked his arm and smiled, he wasn’t expected that he responded to the kiss the way he did, his hopes were sparked by moments, he took that moment to kiss him back.

No… don’t apologize… is ok… said the earl while stroked his cheek and kissed his neck.

The more you stay in touch with Jason most liked him, the shy kissed became passionate kisses and his hands can’t keep quiet.

He wanted to reach more but he did not know if his guest wanted it, looking at him lasciviously he asked.
Are you sure to continue? for me there is not problem…

Waited for his responde forward, he was so passionate that he did not know what to do, Jason was a very attractive man and polite, what he liked to Athan.


Se acercó más a él mientras acariciaba su brazo y sonreía, no se esperaba que este respondiese al beso de la forma que lo hizo, sus esperanzas se avivaron por momentos, aprovechó ese momento para devolverle el beso.

No… no te disculpes… esta bien…dijo el conde mientras acariciaba su mejilla y le besaba su cuello.

Cuanto más permanecia en contacto con Jason más le gustaba, los besos tímidos se convirtieron en besos apasionados y sus manos no podían mantenerse quietas.

Él quería llegar a más pero no sabía si su invitado querría, mirándole lascivamente le preguntó.
¿Estas seguro de continuar? Por mi no hay problema…

Esperó su respuesta con ansia, estaba tan apasionado que no sabía que hacer, Jason era un hombre atractivo y educado, lo que le gustaba al Conde.

This post come from other RP. Este post viene desde otro RP.

Il n'avait pas du tout envie que cela cesse. Plus le baiser se faisait tendre plus il avait envie de ses lèvres. Il réponds avec passion sa langue s'enroulant à la sienne.
Puis le regardant avec intensité ...

Aucun soucis pour moi, mais vous n'aviez pas faim ?

Lui était mort de faim, mais certainement pas de nourriture terrestre. Son désir venait lui faisant découvrir des sensations jusque là inconnues vis à vis d'un homme. Ses mains lui donnaient de doux frissons et il l'enlaça tendrement avant de venir doucement lui mordiller le lobe de l'oreille. Il ressentait son coeur battre la chamade dans sa poitrine, son souffle se raccourcir. S"ils ne cessait pas il allait perdre totalement le sens des réalités et atteindre un point de non retour. Mais Athan le désirait il ?
Il laissa son index dessiner lentement le contour de ses lèvres.

Pensez vous que nous soyons raisonnables ?


He had no desire to stop. Over the kiss was tender more he felt like his lips. He passionately answer his tongue rolling to his.
Then looking at him intently ...

No worries for me, but you were not hungry?

He had died of hunger, but certainly no earthly food. His wish came by revealing previously unknown sensations against a man. His hands gave him chills soft and tenderly embraced before coming gently nibble his earlobe. He felt his heart pounding in his chest, his breath shorten. S "they did not stop he was going to lose all sense of reality and reach a point of no return. But the Athan wanted it?
He let his finger slowly draw the outline of her lips.

Do you think we are reasonable?
Those feelings were totally exciting for him, he had asked him a question that he didn’t know how to respond, although he did saying that his heart thought.

Reasonable? Is there any reason to not be?said while he closed his eyes to feel the finger of Jason in his lips.

Grabbed his guest’s hand and led him to bed, there he sat at his side as he held his hand.

Both are aware of what we want… Why deny it now? concluded with a kiss on the lips of his guest.

Really did not know how he would react, but the Lancaster was totally possessed by the essence of Jason, was so irresistible that he couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t he, the moment and the heat scene fanned the flame of pleasure and desire he felt for him.

Stroked his neck as continued kissing, grabbed a button of the shirt of this and unbuttoned it while bit her lip.


Aquellos sentimientos eran totalmente apasionantes para el Conde, le habían hecho una pregunta a la cual no sabía como responder, aun así lo hizo diciendo lo que su corazón pensaba.

¿Razonables? ¿Hay algún motivo para no serlo?dijo mientras entrecerraba los ojos al sentir el dedo de Jason.

Agarró a su invitado de la mano y le llevó a la cama, ahí se sentó al lado suya mientras le sujetaba la mano.

Ambos somos conscientes de lo que los dos queremos… ¿Para que negarlo ahora?concluyó con un beso en los labios de su invitado.

Realmente no sabía como iba a reaccionar él, pero el de Lancaster estaba totalmente poseído por la esencia de Jason, era tan irresistible que le costaba pensar en otra cosa que no fuese él, el momento y el calor de la escena avivaron la llama del placer y deseo que sentía hacia él.

Acariciando su cuello mientras le continuaba besando, agarró de un botón de la camisa de este y se lo desabrochó mientras se mordía los labios.

Il a du mal à réaliser ce qu'il lui arrive et tout s'enchaîne à une vitesse telle qu'il finit par se demander s'il ne rêve pas. Il se laissait faire comme s'il était dans un rêve. Il était si beau parfois de se laisser guider par ses propres émotions.
Il se laissa entrainer vers le lit et répondit au baiser .

Non il est vrai que nous en avons autant envie l'un que l'autre. Mais ne devions nous pas dîner ?

Il frissona quand Athan commença à deboutonner sa chemise de soie. Il se laissa faire. Il savait qu'il s'aventurait dans une relation totalement inconnue mais il avait envie de s'y laisser guider et il était vraiment attiré par le jeune homme.
Il laissa ses mains remonter vers son visage qu'il caressa lentement avant de l'attirer vers le sien et de prendre possession ses lèvres laissant une main emprisonner sa nuque pendant que l'aure descendait le long de son dos


It's hard to realize what happens to him and everything goes at such a rate that ends up wondering if he is not dreaming. He took it all as if in a dream. He was so beautiful sometimes let be guided by his own emotions.
He allowed himself to lead to the bed and kissed back.

No it is true that we have as much envy as the other. But we had no dinner?

He shivered when Athan began to unbutton her silk shirt. He did not resist. He knew he ventured into a completely unknown relationship, but he wanted to let it guide and he was really attracted to the young man.
He let his hands up to his face he slowly stroked before pulling into his own and to take possession of his lips leaving a hand imprisoning his neck while aure down along his back

The dinner… is true… don’t worry, my servants will keep warm for us while I’ll warm yousmiled lasciviously.

Bit his lip as Jason’s hand fell down in his back, Athan took the lead again and he sat on his legs while he finished unbuttoning his shirt, looked again at his guest and his heart began to bet strongly.

Stroked his chest and back while kissed you passionately, the Lancaster felt safe in his arm and happy, it was a feeling that Athan had not experienced before, liked it and didn’t want stop feeling it.


La cena… es cierto… pero no te preocupes, mis criados la mantendrán caliente para nosotros mientras yo te mantengo caliente a tisonrió lascivamente.

Se mordió el labio cuando la mano Jason descendió por su espalda, el conde tomó la iniciativa una vez más y se sentó encima de las piernas de este mientras terminó de desabrocharse la camisa, miró una vez más a su invitado y su corazón empezó a latir fuertemente.

Acarició tu pecho y espalda mientras le besaba con pasión, el de Lancaster se sentía seguro en sus brazos además de feliz, era una sensación que apenas había experimentado antes, le gustaba y no quería dejar de sentirlo.

La chemise s'envole et se retrouve sur le sol alors que le jeune homme vint se placer sur ses genoux. N'y tenant plus il le soulagea aussi du vêtement qui couvrait son torse et se lova dans ses bras, répondant aux demandes de sa bouche.
Emportés dans leur élan ils basculèrent sur la couche oubliant de ce fait le repas, les serviteurs et tout ce qui n'était pas eux.

Il laissa ses mains explorer ce corps qui vibrait, son coeur battant la chamade. Au dessus de lui le visage d'Athan ses yeux plongés dans les siens lui contaient milles promesses. Il n'avait qu'une envie se laisser emporter, goûter cette peau offerte, se repaître de ce corps tout entier qu'il voulait faire sien.


The shirt flies away and finds himself on the ground as the young man placed himself on his knees. No longer shall he also relieved of the garment that covered his chest and curled up in his arms, responding to requests from his mouth.
Carried in their tracks they swung on the layer thus forgetting the meal, servants and all that was not them.

He let his hands explore this body was vibrating, her heart pounding. Above his face with his eyes Athan immersed in his own recounted her miles promises. He had only want to get carried away, taste this skin offered, feast of the whole body he wanted to do his.

From that moment everything happened fast, like shooting star, hours were minutes and minutes we seconds beside Jason, the last thing he saw before sleep was seen surrounded by a hug.

That night he dreamed that he was with his guest, living as a united couple, sharing each and every one of their days together, living happy and full of pleasure, a striking dream, because the Count used to have other type of dreams.

Whether it was day, the Count resisted awaking, so hugged his beloved and began to grumble at the sound of their workers preparing everything, surely everyone already knew what had happened, they had not gone to dinner and did not sleep in his room, still did not care all, his servants were accustomed to such situations, waited a little longer and opened the eyes, looked at the man in front of him and smiled, he was sleeping soundly, as a child, he was beautiful, definitely was the best awakening.


A partir de ahí todo paso rápido, como una estrella fugaz, las horas se hicieron minutos y los minutos se hicieron segundos al lado de Jason, lo ultimó que vio antes de dormirse fue verse rodeado por un abrazo.

Aquella noche soñó que se encontraba con su invitado, viviendo como una pareja unida, compartiendo todos y cada uno de sus días juntos, viviendo felices y llenos de placer, un sueño muy llamativo, pues el Conde solía tener otro tipo de sueños.

Ya era de día, el Conde se resistía a despertarse, así que se abrazo a su amado y empezó a refunfuñar al oír el ruido de sus trabajadores preparando todo, seguramente todos supiesen ya lo que había pasado, no habían bajado a cenar y tampoco durmió en su habitación, aun así le daba igual todo, sus criados estaban acostumbrados a este tipo de situaciones, esperó un poco más y abrió los ojos del todo, miró al hombre que tenía delante de él y sonrió, estaba durmiendo profundamente, como un niño, era hermoso, sin duda alguno había sido el mejor despertar.

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