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[rp] Hello Denmark
Albane had just landed in Denmark and they find very pretty the town of Elsinore. The bishop the priest had made a great effort to receive them in confession. Oh boat it''s not easy to confess our sins. She is happy to be here to discover this country.

Hello everybody, i m so glad to be here, you can't imagine, Thanks to th'e Captain to accept this travel accross the north sea to come to see you. It''s very strange you know we can't travel to your amazing country with road in fact.
NIce to meet you

R0nyah has seen the ships in the horizon and ran to the harbour.
Greeting fellow visitors. I'm so glad to see you here!

She shows the visitors around.

Here is the tavern. And the church. We have a lovely small harbour and you can also fish in the sea.
I have a bakery, so please let me know if you want me to make some baguettes or croassaints for you. Or do you prefer to try this dark, Danish bread of mine?

Sherman walked to the harbor to greet the visitors.

Welcome to Denmark, I hope you enjoy your stay at country. I'm Sherman von Karelia, duke of Denmark. Sherman bows with a smile. It was nice to get visitors


Von Karelia Suvun Jäsen, SLIn jäsen
Sig and Avatar made by Dellaca

Well knowing about the visitors Plyspeter also went down to greet them welcome to Helsingør.

Welcome to Helsingør our beatifull and quiet town, it is always nice to meet some new visitors, but I'm sure we will get to know eachother alot better over the next few days.
Krys arrives with the passengers and the crew. She put on her mantle because nevertheless, they are in the North, and there is cold, worse than in the north of the Kingdom of France. She is surprised to see that a small host committee is waiting for them. So she joins Albane to greet everyone and introduce herself with a large smile.

Hi, I'm Krys. Nice to meet you all.

To the baker :

The Danish specialties will be perfect, it would be a shame not to taste.

She leans slightly in front of the Duke, she's embarrassed because she doesn't know how to address the Duke in Denmark, so she speaks to him in French so as not to make a mistake :

Votre Grâce

Then Krys talks to the man who at first seems to be a man of faith :

It is very nice to receive us in confession, we are very grateful to you. I can not wait to visit Elsinore which seems to be a very nice town. In any case its inhabitants seem to be very welcoming.

Thank you all for your welcome.


Sherman bows at the woman and smiles. Welcome to Denmark Krys, it's nice to meet you. You are free to use English words but I have to say I like how that sounded Sherman smiles.


Von Karelia Suvun Jäsen, SLIn jäsen
Sig and Avatar made by Dellaca
decidedly Albane have an good idea to wnat to discuss with the resident of helsingor, some charming resident and they know their friend of boat charming too.

Yes you have reason Krys the Danish specialties will be perfect, the pastries is the best have never eating and this sandishes devineeeee simply devine.

Everybody are so amazing here i don't see everybody but the ones I saw he's fantastic in simplicity and authenticity i love.

i hope to see the danish and my friend of boat in pub. well i hope danish 's friend too.

Albane smile she's simply happy
Adrien qui ne comprenais rien a ce qu'il racontait avait des grands yeux tout rond.

Mais qu'est ce qu'il raconte ? Dien y comprends rien au Danois, mais y sont gentil y ont des gateauuuuuuxxxxxxxx.

Il reparti donc avec sa viennoiserie, en souriant.
[Back to Denmark ...]

Today Krys and Dereck do not land only two hands in the hand of the boat but four people. Young parents did not recently have a child but twins and it was not a surprise because they knew very well that to move in the belly babies could only be two. They each carry a baby well covered in the arms, happy. It looks like it was yesterday that they landed for the first time in this pleasant country, and it is with great joy that they make the detour via Elsinore.

The young mother scours the surroundings in search of familiar silhouettes.

Youhou!!! Hi friends! We are back! Is there anyone in the area ?!

Anyway, she knows very well where to find them: at the tavern where they will discuss around a beer ...

Sherman was on the harbor greeting the visitors with a smile.

Ah, hello there Krys Sherman smiled as he noticed the babies. And congratulations for young parents


Von Karelia Suvun Jäsen, SLIn jäsen
Sig and Avatar made by Dellaca
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