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[ORP]Merryweather Fortress

Snowlynx, Johnny, and the children quietly slip into the lands. Approaching and entering the the now abandoned Merryweather Fortress.
Glancing at Johnny she does not say a word and holds her reaction in check.
Not allowing all the emotions to flood her and be seen.

Snow watches Johnny dismount, unlock the guardsman door and waits. A few moments later the drawbridge lowers. She waits for Johnny to come back out and get back on to drive the carriage.
They all ride in quietly and head up to the house.
Riding in Snowlynx looks around, a ghost town feeling creeps within her.
She pushes the thoughts deep within herself.

Dismounts as they arrive at the house.
Pulling out the key, her hands shaking, takes a deep breath and sighs.
Pushing the door open to the dark, musty smelling, once Grand Hall. Lights a lantern on the table. Looks around and listens for a few moments.
Thoughts flood her mind....she shakes them off for the moment. Returning outside to help unload the children and get them in.
Thanks For Making Me a Fighter!
Johnny helps Snowlynx get the children into their bedrooms to sleep.
He watches as Snowlynx walks through the house afterwards touching things and deep in thought, barely aware of his presence.

I am going to head into town and hear what is the word on the streets for a couple hours.
She nods to him and says to be careful.
Smiling at her he leaves.

When he returns hours later, he finds the house lite up, smoke exiting the chimney and the Douglas and Blood Oath Brotherhood Banners flying at the gates of the Fortress.
He finds Snow sitting in front of the fire sipping on a whiskey the Black Douglas bottle sitting next to her.

He enters, M'Lady Snow.
Giving a slight bow.
I have received some tidbits of information. Not all to encouraging. Be it how rumors be.
He pauses as she acknowledges and he goes on.

Well, the death of Lord Paddy has been spoken. Some with with love and some with devastating and lost hope.
He accepts the glass of whiskey from Snow and continues.
Some say Clan Douglas near fallen...that BoB will fall next.

Sipping on the whiskey, nervously watching Snowlynx reaction,
That without Lord Paddy's guiding light most have fallen to hiding or to thoughts of joining other groups.

Welcome back, Captain Johnny. Giving a half smile at using his Merryweather Fortress past title.

Tell me what the rumors say. I should be getting use to being a pin cushion by now in these lands. Why should now be any different.

Listening to Johnny's words she feels all the pain, anger, frustration of so many months build up within her.
Pouring the last of the whiskey into glass from the bottle, she hears the words about Clan Douglas and the BoB.
She throws the bottle into the fire. It smashes into many pieces, sending sparks up and around.
She grips hold of the mantle of the fireplaces and tries steadying herself and her anger.

Clan Douglas will never fall! As long as a Douglas breaths. Many would love to have hopes of such, but it is not today nor tomorrow. I dare them to say such to me and they better have a knife to my throat when they do it or there will be one to theirs.

Listening about the Brotherhood and what was befalling it from the death of her love and Lord Protectors death tore her apart inside.
He had told her to take a vacation from politics and leadership to rejuvenate. Spend time with the children and live life.
She followed him for years in life and came a breath away from deciding to follow him even into death. But something would not allow her to make that giving up choice.

She turns towards Johnny, a tear runs down her face,
As long as there is breath within me and a soul within the Brotherhood that will follow me, The Blood Oath Brotherhood shall remain. No man nor group within all the realm shall ever take that away from me and my husbands memory. They will have to send me to hell to stop me!
Thanks For Making Me a Fighter!
Johnny watches and listens to Snowlynx. At a loss for words to console her.

As the days had passed her loss was turning into turmoil and anger. She was turning into a fighter for what seems to be things that are near death themselves. Willing and even daring death itself to tempt its fate upon her. As if she could somehow resurrect the life that she once knew and loved.

He would go down even to his very own grave fighting besides her. But, in his heart he hoped for her sake and sanity that she could find renewed hope in life through her fight to survive all that she felt she had lost.

Johnny stands, I am going to head out to the Guard quarters, do a quick check of the gates.

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