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The Colony of Bath

Rosalynn inhales deeply of the night’s air as she looks out over the colony of Bath. A smile crosses her lips as she remembers the past few days events. Moving on down the road towards her home and workshop, she dawdles along the way, checking out the wild flowers that have closed up for the night. She reminds herself that she needs to replant her herb garden one day soon so the plants will have time to root and grow. She goes over in her mind the list of herbs she has on hand keeping in mind those that have been ground up or dried that may have passed their potentcy dates.

She reaches home and after grabbing an piece of fruit and chopping it up into Spot-size chunks, she carries it outside and heads for the pig pen. Thankful that the moon is up and is shining brightly to light her way, she laughs as Spot grunts in welcome as she draws close to the fence. Rather than enter the pen this late at night, she stands outside the fence and tosses the fruit chunks to Spot, laughing when they bounce off her snout.

Humming softly, she lets her thoughts drift to the previous night, remembering meeting her cousin Rhiannon and her adorable girls, Isolda and Branwyn, and how the girls ‘decorated’ whichever adult was holding them at the time. She feels her cheeks pinken as her thoughts wander further.
“Why so silly, Rosalynn? Making an arse of yourself in front of someone you admire so much,” she chastises herself. Nothing like being so obvious. She wants…..what is it that she truly wants? She rubs her temples as the start of a headache begins its throbbing.

Going back into the house, she readies herself for bed by donning a nightgown and then braiding her hair. Sliding between the covers on her bed, she squirms a bit to get comfortable and closes her eyes. As she relaxes, the black curtain behind her eyelids are replaced by a pleasant image, the visage of one who haunts her day and night.
Its been a long day for Sajanzv. He had been campaigning hard for the mayoral elections for the first mayor of Bath. He was tired, and desperately needed some rest.

As he looks at the town from his home, he sees people bustling around already. "Ahh, the town is growing, wonderful."

He watches Rosalynn as her graceful figure disappears in the distance. He feels very comfortable with her now. His first meeting with his retainer had been a strain. Tis hard to be all business like with such a beautiful lady.

Sajanzv watches as the rest of the townsfolk, some of them old friends like Herrero, Dex, Tymel and Dee_snider as well as the new friends he had met in town go about their work.

"A new town, a new beginning. I hope I shall prove myself worthy of my calling" says Sajanzv aloud as he walks back to the Light's Out Saloon for a drink and to give a few words of encouragement to the newcomers.
How Eire dealt with the ONE
Herrero munches on his bread loaf as he walks out into the forest for his first day of wood cutting. Staring up at the huge trees he wonders how he was supposed to bring one of those back to the market. He spots a pile of axes from the town hall along with a paper containing instructions. Hmmmm says I can chop the oak but they sure look big. He sees here and there in the woods other townsfolk busily at work. Well here goes, wish I knew what to do with this great big ladder I seem to have carried with me.
He picks out a likely looking tree and swings the axe. With a loud "thwack!" it hits the trunk sideways and rubs some bark off. Juan sets back and tries again, this time it hits properly and bites deeply into the trunk. After struggling with the axe a bit to dislodge it from the tree he begins to swing regularly. After about 15 minutes it occurs to him that he has no idea where the tree will fall. If I keep on cutting on this side it'll most likely fall on me. I think I read that your supposed to switch sides at a certain point but I have no idea when that would be. Well, when it starts to look wobbly I'll move around it.
A while later Herrero is begginning to think that it is probably time to move when he hears a crack. It takes him a moment but he realizes that he'd better move, NOW! As he reached the other side the tree began to sway. It first leaned toward the deeply cut side and then began to recoil backwards! Just when he thought it was going to snap it swayed again and came down crashing on the correct side.
Herrero moped his brow and sat down. Next time I bring my rope and tie the top over to the side I want it to go. But now to get the limbs off and get it to market. He waved down one of the teams of oxen and attached the chains. Walking along side it to make sure it wouldn't stick he made the slow trek back to town. Once there that evening he chopped it up and found that he had 6 large bundles. As good or better profit than he’d ever made off of fruit. It's worth it I guess, I'll get the hang of it soon.
That evening he carried his wood and wheat harvest down to the town market and makes sure to stop in at the voting booths and vote for Sajen and the Patrons.
Rosalynn wakes up and stretches langorously before climbing out of bed. The cobwebs of her dreams still shroud her as she stifles a yawn and moves over to the washbasin to clean her face, shuffling her feet across the floor. After wiping the sleep from her eyes, she dresses quickly and heads outside to tend Spot and her sheep.

“One more day and I’ll have more wool from all my sheep,” she says to Spot, as if the portly pig cares, ”which is a good thing as I have clothing orders coming out my ears at the moment.” She lets Spot out of her pen to exercise for a little bit while she herself, working methodically, prepares the ground for her small garden of flowers and herbs. She plants the starter plants in parallel rows and the flower seeds haphazardly so they’ll add color all over the garden. After carrying several buckets of water to the garden to water the freshly rooted plants and seeds, she leads Spot back to her pen.

Rosalynn smiles remembering her first sight of the Knight who she is retainer to, Sajanzv. It took all her will for her knees not to turn to jelly and refuse to hold her as she noticed how handsome he is, having expected so even with not meeting him face-to-face before. Nervous as could be that she wouldn’t be who he’d expected, her typical rambling chatter takes her mind off her nervousness. His good-natured sense of humor has the people in the tavern rolling with laughter and oh, heavens she’s lost when she starts thinking about him. Sure she talks about getting him married off and/or to auction him off, but he saw right through that second ploy. Rosalynn laughs remembering his saying he knew from where the highest bids would come. How did he know about her little ‘slush fund’? She speeds up her chores around the house and then eagerly heads for the tavern.
"No! Not there! Over there!" An exasperated sigh came from Rhiannon's lips. In the cradle by the fireplace, Isolda slept peacefully- how, with this racket, Rhiannon would never know- while Branwyn screamed at the top of her lungs while being held. Rhiannon patted the babe's back, trying to calm her, but unlike her sister, she was frightened by the loud noises the movers were making.

She heard a crash and sighed again. Clumsy oafs!

"Break anything else and you're done for!" she told the nearest mover with a stern look. "Yes, m'lady," he mumbled, then ran off to inform his men. Never mess with a postpartum Welsh woman- they are fierce creatures.

Rhiannon needed to get away from the temporary chaos in her new home. She carefully sat the still-bawling Branwyn into the pram and awoke the serene Isolda to sit her next to her sister. She informed her maid of her intentions and warned her to keep a good eye on the burly men entreated with the task of setting her things in their correct places.

She had heard many things about the ancient Roman baths in her new town, but she had never seen one. The nearest one was only down the lane from her cottage. She strolled slowly, taking in the beauty of the architecture of the town.

"Rhiannon, dear." Rhiannon jumped, her mind slamming hard back to reality. She had been off in space just then, thinking of her husband and son, thinking of how they would love this town...

"Sajan!" She embraced her cousin. "Come, walk with me. We have much to catch up on."
A decent dust cloud drifted up on the road as a huge cart pulled by a horse with a donkey rider in front came up towards Bath.

the cart came all they way up to the town square where the robed man put tons of goods on sale and left it in the markets hands as it all sold fast. The man then took his animals and cart to his new bakery where he stood admiring it
Sajanzv takes Cousin Rhiannon around town before they finally arrive at the Light's Out Saloon. There he introduces her to his faithful retainer Rosalynn. As is womanhood's wont, the two ladies soon are involved in a lively chatter while Sajanzv gets busy with his ledgers and debate answers.

Suddenly he hears laugther from the two. Turning, he enquires of the reason. Both of them laugh with mirth and announce they are far off cousins from the House of Aviz.

"Interesting", thinks Sajanzv as he returns back to his work
How Eire dealt with the ONE
Rosalynn is put to work in keeping an eye on the entryway to Bath, so is pretty much oblivious for a time as to what is going on in the tavern around her until such time as the time passes and nothing untoward occurs. Returning her attention to those around her in the tavern, she falls off her chair in surprise as she sees her bartender from Bridgewater, Cwalen, sits nearby. She greets him cheerfully, happy to see he’s made it safely.

Dee helps her back into her chair and then silence falls in the tavern. She gets out her handy-dandy charcoal pencil (changed from magic marker) and goes to work on first Saj’s av and then Cwalen’s when they aren’t looking, adding mustaches and bushy eyebrows. Tempted to, barely restraining herself from doing so anyway, add bunny ears to Saj’s, she gets creative with Cwalen and adds curly-q’s to his mustache and a lightning bolt to his cheek.

Her cousin Rhi comes in pushing the pram with the twins in it before her to spend some time there. Branwyn is given to Trontor who gives her to Sajanzv. Isolda becomes a ‘hot potatoe’ baby and is passed from one person to the next only to end up with Saj on who she promptly barfs. Baby doesn’t travel well. LOL

Rosalynn isn’t sure exactly what Sajanzv’s reaction was to the news about her and Rhi being related as he’s way too good at hiding his feelings, but she thought a little shock registered in his face. Even more so when she and her cousin started scheming, putting their heads together and hatching evil schemes to try to get a response out of him in particular.

She feels her cheeks redden again remembering the ‘thoughts’ that flew back and forth regarding his lack of clothing and the unmerciful teasing. He handled himself too well, as he had a comeback for everything she ‘thought’. She’s way too transparent though, with her ‘jellified knees’ and where he is concerned. Rosalynn puts the inside of her wrist to her forehead wondering if she’s coming down with something, as her tummy feels odd. She sighs then grins remembering his challenge about not going down with a fight and then his changing the ‘with a fight’ to ‘without a fight’ and laughs. He seems to get as tongue-tied as she does at times.

As she reaches home, she grabs a fruit for Spot and heads out to her pen. The sheep pens are empty at the moment as they are all being sheared. Letting Spot out of her pen, Rosalynn walks away from Spot, turns to see if she is following and as she catches up, Rosalynn hands her a piece of the fruit before moving another distance away, stopping and holding out the fruit to entice Spot to catch up. She goes to sit on the steps of her porch and holds out the rest of the fruit to Spot.
”Ewwwww…..Spot!!! You drooled on my hand! Rosalynn laughs and makes a big production about wiping her slobbered on hand on her trousers. “You are lucky Spot, no weird feelings and no worries about trying to get a guy’s attention without being obvious about it. Hmmm….Need a boyfriend Spot? I’ll check the neighboring farms and see if I can find one for you. At least one of us will be lucky.” Returning Spot to her pen, Rosalynn decides to take a walk into town to see if anyone is out and about.
Sajanzv woke up with a start just before daybreak. He wondered why he woke up so suddenly. Then he realized he had to allocate the county milita, "Constable of Wiltshire, get on your feet and do your job" he berates himself.

After taking a morning bath, "Nothing like cold water up your spine to wake you up", he went to his office chambers. He read up the messages from across the county, "Good, not much sign of trouble."

After assigning his troops, he decided to go for a walk in the early dawn. As he passed by Dame Rosalynn's house, he watched for any signs if she was awake. Seeing none, he walked on. Suddenly he heard a loud oink.
Turning around, he saw Spot gamboling along the road.
"Now who let you out of your pen?" Sajanzv asked
"Oink, oink" replied Spot
"You lil troublemaker, you esacaped by yourself?" asks Sajanzv
"Oink.... oink" Spot suddenly looks downcast.
"Here, have a carrot", Sajanzv gets out a carrot from his pocket and beckons Spot with it
Spot still looks sad, she refuses the carrot.
Suddenly Sajanzv understands, "Oh, you are feeling lonely, arent you?"
"Oink.. oink" laments Spot.
"You desperately want some pigs for company, I see. Well here is what I will do. It seems like Bath has an overabundance of corn. What say you to me getting a pig ranch? I can get you some pig friends for company.." goes on Sajanzv
"Oink... oink" Spot seems to understand, does a little pig jiggle and starts to drool over Sajanzv's feet.
"Here you go, take this carrot, and let me get you back in your pen. I will soon have some friends for you . You can come and visit them and mother them as well, since they will be piglets, okay?"
"Oink, oink, oink, oink" and Spot goes on, "oink, oink, oink". Apparently she is happy now.

Sajanzv lets her back in her pen, latches the gate. He then walks down to the Town Office and requests permission to change his corn field to a pig ranch. He pays the 50p fee and then goes to get a pig. After that, he writes a small message for Rosalynn to find at the Light's Out Saloon, "Guess what ?" and signs it as "The new pig rancher".

Smiling at the thought of her surprise when she finds out what he has done, he goes back to his pretty little home for a small nap, awaiting the break of dawn.
How Eire dealt with the ONE
Having taken the 'scenic' route on her walk, she stops by the tavern to see if anyone is there. She smiles happily seeing Sajanzv there along with a new person, LizzieBennett. Rosalynn goes to put her hat behind the bar when she spots a piece of paper atop the bar. Picking it up, she reads:

Guess what?


the new pig rancher

Puzzled, she rereads the note trying to make sense of its contents.

"What is on the paper?" Lizzie asks. Rosalynn hands her the paper to read and glances over at Sajanzv to ask him if he might know who wrote it first, and second, what it means. Only then does it dawn on her that he had mentioned taking up pig ranching recently.

She congratulates him enthusiastically and is happy that now Spot will have company, even though the piglets will be younger than her. Rosalynn feels like she's known Sajanzv for much longer than just the few days it's been, and he seems to be quite comfortable and takes her teasing in stride. When her conversation with Saj takes on a flirtatious quality, Lizzie exits quickly to leave them to their own devices.

When Sajanzv grows quiet and attempts to work on his ledgers, Rosalynn goes over to him and since she is in pants and trousers, figures it is safe enough, straddles his lap and sits on his knees between him and his ledgers, studying him. She starts to ask him if he seriously had started a pig ranch but before she could, he abruptly stood up, dumping her unceremoniously on the floor. Limbs flaily as she tries to keep herself from hitting the floor, she grabs for whatever is near to hand, his loincloth.

Not realizing what she'd done, until he mentions the loincloth having gone missing, Rosalynn is oblivious of what happened until he dashes off to his tent to replace the one that went missing. Looking down at her hand, her face reddens as she sees the cloth her hand holds.
"Oh my!" she exclaims, then starts laughing at the situation. She tries, and fails miserably, to pout and manages to keep a straight face just long enough to protest the unceremonious dumping of herself to the floor, before disolving into a fit of giggles again. Next time she'll find another way to get his attention, she vows, but then thinks twice as it was funny and even though temporary, might be worth attempting again, even though she didn't get her questions answered.

Come to find out, he had found Spot after she'd escaped her pen earlier. Rosalynn thinks back trying to remember if she'd latched the gate securely, but guesses she didn't since Spot had been checking out the neighborhood. Luckily for her, it had been Sajanzv who had found her rather than someone else who might have turned her into porkchops. When Rosalynn arrived home that night, she went out to check to see that Spot was safely in her pen. Leaning over the top post of the fence, Rosalynn pets Spot while feeding her a piece of fruit and talking to her.

"So what do you have to say for yourself, my pudgy pig?" asks Rosalynn. "What do you think of him?"

Seeming to know exactly who Rosalynn is referring to, Spot grunts excitedly, her curly tail twitching. Rosalynn laughs watching her. "Aha! Your undulations giveth you away, porkster! What did he promise you?" Not expecting an intelligible answer from Spot, Rosalynn watches her chow down on the fruit chunks, as she herself, daydreams.

Her face flushes a rose pink remembering Cwalen's mention of his 'claim' the previous night. All-in-all he's one of the best men she's met, but there is where her heart and mind part ways. She remembers her conversation with another important person in her life while in Bridgewater and being encouraged by them to say something about it. No matter how much she'd like to, she won't for fear of rejection, she couldn't stand it and she refuses to push someone else into a situation that isn't their wont.

Rosalynn looks over at the sheep pens and wonders how Forfut fares in Bridgewater. A smile crosses her lips remembering the shearers finding the gold threads embedded in the wool.

Taking one last look at Spot, who having finished the fruit had trotted over to her water trough for a drink, Rosalynn double-checks the gate latch and then heads for the house planning to take a short nap before heading to the tavern.
*Mantitan ate a peice of cold jerky-he needed protein for his newfound profession, he wanted to make sure no one forgot the name "Mercenary Mantitan Hanley", he was done packing-4 days it took him to unload his useless materials, the movers broke his sharpening stone, the movers had one less that day, he went to the tavern to see if anyone wanted to chat-nope, no one wanted to do anything but harrass him, three new people were added to his hitlist because of his visit to wiltshire taverns, he was still under house arrest for his burning of Patron warehouses he went to his liquor cabinet, "How does one break a sharpening stone, and not break 25 glass bottles?" he poured himself some whiskey, he needed it after his long day in that hot courthouse, he saw a deer eating away at his vegetables, he grabbed a hatchet and like a well guided arrow, hit the deer, he had venison at least, he took the deer to his smokehouse and would deal with it later, he wondered how his family was doing, if young heripy was acting maturley or not, he could always ask when he returned, if Avia was writing more confusing passages in random post topics, if Flaming_Dog was behaving well around his cousins and uncles, was the phoenix inn still flourishing? oh well, he went to bed, The Next Morning... he woke with a thud on his door, The wiltshire army hauling his arse to the courthouse, he got changed, hid a dagger under his cloak and answered the door, no it was some woman, "Hello sir I would like to ask you about your political..." He slammed the door in her face-"Was that Rosa?", "Must have been recruiting for the patrons" knock knock knock, this was the wiltshire army, they took him,threw him in the cart and took him to the be continued.......*
I guess I am masked somehow, altho you all know who I am
Mantitan wrote:
* it was some woman, "Hello sir I would like to ask you about your political..." He slammed the door in her face-"Was that Rosa?", "Must have been recruiting for the patrons" *

After a few days in Bath, Dex worries have been calmed by all his old friends being here. Also finding wonderful new people here like Rosalynn, Mai_Lynn, Mantitan and others, that this town will be very active and prosperous indeed. Looks like all the people here are hard workers. He thinks of a job he wants to hire out to harvest his wheat fields, while working either in someone field or ranch. Thinks that all his friends' and new friends' work including his own will build this into a great town of Wiltshire.
ooc: woohoo I am wonderful

*Continued........ , Mantitan is thrown into his house the door is locked behind him, " A new saftey precaution? You relentless pigs" again he goes straight for the liquor cabinet he then goes to carve up that deer, he has some cold jerky for dinner, he was tired of this insult in the courts, people need to bring evidence to contradict a man who admits he commited a crime, personally he thought he taught everyone a lesson, remember the name Mercenary Mantitan Hanley, he taught them another one, be cautious of who you let in your guild, he didn't intend to burn any more, he decides to go to the taverns, there binabikk sat and sajan was studying some papers on a far table he cozied up to the bar and said hello to Rosa, sajan glanced up and mumbled something that sounded like hello, he had a few drinks, paid the good lady for his drinks and went home, he went over to the church and caused a little commotion with Mousies wedding see the lounge for info he ran to his house and hid there fortunatly when the army men came the next day to pick him up he wasn't reconized as a murderer he was put into the courthouse for another hot grueling day....... to be continued..........*
I guess I am masked somehow, altho you all know who I am
At 'm anwylyd Sevare -

Amsera adwyau 'n anniben fel Dorra atat. 'r chofnodion ymddangos cara horiau 'r horiau ymddangos cara ddiwrnodau. Ca hon dref yn cyfareddu - a could mo? Dydy 'n arddun. Lawer wedi d 'ma achos a 'n grai buchedd.

Adnabuoch a anwylyd Sajan wedi d chan Winchester , at cadw 'r villian Dani_ddd chan yn anrheithio hon dref? Dydy 'n ddiau. Namyn er yn cwrdd 'i 'ma , dydy 'n amlwg at 'm addef chreuau a arhosa achos lawer hychwaneg. Dwi yn meddwl 'na ewyllysia bod cara i mewn eiddo buchedd 'n ebrwydd ddigon.

'ch ferched brifio 'n chwim - ddeud 'm , cara , ewigod 'n ab brifio fel ymprydia? Aruthra 'm a i mewn ond 'r hychydig ddiwrnodau Buais cerddedig , Fetha 'ch a 'n ab ogystal. Ewyllysia ond bod 'ma 'n gyhyd fel chymer at cadarnha 'r farchnata route , a 'na Gwertha 'm barciau a chwimia bacia at Arundel.

Cara 'ch , ogystal -

To my dear Sevare-

Time passes slowly as I write to you. The minutes seem like hours; the hours seem like days. I find this town enchanting- who could not? It is beautiful. Many have come here for a new life.

Did you know that dear Sajan has come from Winchester, to keep the villian Dani_ddd from destroying this town? It is true. But since meeting him here, it is apparent to my own eyes that he stays for much more. I am thinking there will be love in his life soon enough.

Your daughters grow quickly- tell me, love, does our son grow as fast? It amazes me that in only the few days I have been gone, I miss you and our son so much. I will only be here as long as it takes to establish the trade route, and then I will sell my fields and move back to Arundel.

I love you, so much-
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