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= [ORP] The Launce: Launceston Castle

Having heard the conversation between my Brother and Father Rich i nearly choked on my plum wine with laughing so much about my brother being of noble standing, hes a good man but to think he wants to marry in a cathedral just made me laugh.

Turning to Father Richileau im affraid you have my Brother all wrong, he wouldnt want such a fine affair, and Boo knows this, its not the De peche way.

I looked around the room after talking with Father Richileau i saw Treena who i hadnt seen in a long time waving wooo wooo Treena how are you? long time no see.
"Boo!" Treena exclaimed, pushing past Jack to hug her cousin. "Congratulations, my dear, to you and Chrisius!" She held on a little too long, but for as close as the ladies were, it had been quite some time without a visit. "Jack found us wandering the roads, you remember Darrian, of course, and Lady Emmy." The words tumbled out with giddy excitement. Treena was reliving the rush of her own engagement as she saw the happiness in Boo's eyes.

They were shown to the parlor where guests were gathering. "Misty, you look wonderful. It's great to see you here. How have you been? Is the little darling with you?"
"Misty, you look wonderful. It's great to see you here. How have you been? Is the little darling with you?"

Thank you Treena you also look good and look so well, yes Lily is here in the castle somewhere she is with Mary being shown around.

Dont you think Chris and Boo make a lovely couple?
Treena! I am so glad you are here! I hugged Treena tight. I have missed you so. Yes, Darrien. Welcome and how are you? Jack, our gallant Prince of a Cousin. I smiled at Jack for rescuing our cousins. I then realized what name Treena had said. Emmy.

Jack.. you mentioned a guest, you failed to mention whom it was. I saw hope in Jack's face that I would accept Emmy. I forced the smile to stay on my face. I did not want to make a scene. But I would be speaking with Jack later. Greetings, Lady Emmy. Everyone, please follow me to the parlor for refreshments. Dinner will be served in a little bit.

I pulled Jack aside. Jack, we need to speak later. I whispered tersely, giving him a stern look. I caught up with my guests.

As we walked into the parlor, I saw Robert helping with the cask of cider. Brother! You have made it. I waited til they put the cask down, then went to hug my brother.

Chris darling. I believe all have arrived. I walked to him and took his hand. I think it is time to make the announcement, don't you?

Robert, Treena and Darrian, Jack. Chris has asked me to be his wife and I have accepted. I hope you all will accept him into the family as I hope his family will accept me, I said as I turned to Misty.

Emmysmiles,"Thankyou Lady Roberta,It is a honor to be welcomed here."Emmy smiles as she follows everyone into the parlor and finds a seat for her and jack.Emmy feeling really odd being at the castle.
"Indeed," he responds, "Maybe we will talk later...."

He considers the last time she suggested a talk with him,

"Congratulations, Lady Roberta, Lord Chris on your engagement."

Earl of Bodmin, Prince of England
Id waited for a further response from Rich, though likely my outspoken words had caused him to think before replying again, it would have to keep for now as the guests were here and I was being addressed by others.

Thank you Jack, please can we do away with the formalities we all have known each other so long I hardly need think you should call me lord all evening ? I suggested and scanned those gathered for approval !

Treena Emmy and Darrion, thank you for joining us, Treena you look well I said and smiled, I loosened myself from Boo's hold and stepped over to her brother, I put out my right hand Robert, it is an honour to see you again, it must be years since weve occupied the same room, tradition would have it that I must seek your approval and blessing for my interest in your wonderful Sister Sir, I humbly confront you then with this matter and would assure you that my intentions are honourable, I will devote my life to Boo's happiness ! I left those words lingering for all to witness, holding steady my hand for Boo's Brother to take.

I had dreaded this moment and thought it best done and dusted, if there were to be any issue to have it dealt with before dinner. I half expected trouble, there had been moments past where we had not seen eye to eye, I was certain everyone in that room knew and expected sparks, maybe even hoped for them for some entertainment value.

One thing was certain, I loved this mans Sister, and he would recognise that in my eyes and in her demeanor, no honourable man would deny his kin their happiness so I was confident, despite our differences I knew him to be an honourable man.

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
Emmy smiles as she observes chrisius's speech,the events.She smiles uncomfortably as the events unfold,hoping that everything will go smoothly.
Robert instantly broke into a smile as he saw his sister approach, setting down the cask of cider... He returned her hug even more tightly as if it were a final farewell. "I have missed so much of your life already, I won't miss a second more." After he said this she stands back and makes the announcement of her impending matrimony... He had known it was coming, as she had confided her interest in settling down before. He had even known the identity of her suitor, yet now it all seemed too real and set in stone. Having just found her again, she was now to be part of a new family.

He looked instantly to Lord Chrisius as he accepted congratulations from close family and friends. Robert had known the man for many years now, yet they had not often shared a room and spoken privately. They had first served together in the EDR, but from there, their paths split as they found themselves on differing political opinions, and on opposite county parties.

But those were old wounds, long healed, and having stepped back from political life, Robert was able to look upon this event much more calmly. Chrisius was noticeably older than Roberta, which was not uncommon umong the nobility of England... Robert's own Viscounty of Luton was a unitary authority within Bedfordshire, Chrisius' Earldom... Such a union would bring political stability to the area... Lost in his thoughts Robert was brought to attention by a hand appearing before him...

Looking up he could see the hand belonged to Chrisius', he looked hard at the man as he listened to what he had to say. His words were grand and respectfully, suited to such an occasion. But his eyes showed something simple. Love. The doubt in Robert's mind slowly released its grip, and he was able to give Chrisius a genuine smile. "You are a hard man, Lord Chrisius. A strong general and a man of honour. You will need all of these attributes to be able to handle my sister and to keep her safe. I shall take you hand sir, and accept your engagement. After this dinner you will leave with two things... Roberta's hand in marriage, and my trust."

Viscount of Luton
That is all I could ask for Robert, politics aside Sir we are on the same team, Strength and Honour and long live the King ! and I have no doubt that Boo, Roberta will be my constant joy, though I suspect your right it will take all of my strength to keep up with her I chuckled once more.

The handshake was firm and was of two men with new found respect for the other, indeed the love Boo and I had found was mellowing old war horses.

Boo will food be served soon ? Im starved

Earl of Bedford, Pater Patriae of the Depeche Retinue
I hugged Robert as hard as he hugged me. We had not shared much of our lives until recently, only just realizing we were twins this year after I found I was part of the ConDoin family.
I have missed so much of your life already, I won't miss a second more.

I wouldn't want to miss any more of your life either, Brother Dear. I smile brightly at both Robert and Chris, the two most important men in my life, ignoring the mild jests aimed at myself from them both. I kissed Robert's cheek, then saw Mary and Lily in the doorway, just back from their tour of the castle. They joined us, Lily telling Misty how she enjoyed the tour and Mary, Mary telling me that dinner was ready.

Chris, your wish is my cook's command. Dinner is ready to be served. I hope it is all to your liking. I ushered everyone into the dining hall, taking Chris's hand as we walked to the table.

I paired everyone off for the seating.Jack and Emmy, Treena and Darrian, Me and Chris, Misty and Robert, and Lily and Richileau.


Pleased that his concerns had not met with disappointment, but rather the laughter and amusement of the groom and his sister, Richileau joined in with the laughter. The comments did not surprise him, as he had known the De Peche's quite well, and despite their social class none that he had met had ever seemed to look down upon or neglect others around them. It was this generousity and virtue that had endeared the family to him, and if things had been different perhaps he would have been more than just a family friend. Looking around, he had half expected to find V here, but in many ways was glad she was absent. He had learnt that she had married yet again, but he did not know what became of her previous husband. She had met him whilst in service in the Northern Counties, and Richileau feared that he may have fallen in battle.

[color=Blue]"But they are nothing compared to trust honour and integrity my friend, believe me Boo, or Lady Roberta if you prefer knows well my mind on such matters."[color]

Richileau nodded and acknowledged Chrisius' words, but rather than replying he casts his eyes over to Lady Roberta. Chris had been loud enough for her to hear, and he was interested to hear her opinions. He also had to admit he knew very little about her family; he suspected she was related to Prince Jack Ashbrook and thus Treena Ashbrook, baroness of Exmoor. That suspicion was confirmed to him by Misty, who suddenly called out to Treena as she arrived.

Chrisius continued to deliver a soliloquy to fill the silence, whilst Boo and Misty greeted the new arrivals. Although he didn't know why, he could tell merely by looking that there was some discomfort between the parties, and Lady-Roberta cleary lost any previous thoughts about responding to Richileau's indirect queries.

Looking to Chrisius for guidance and to what was occuring, Richileau sees a warm and honourable handshake between the Man of the Moment and his brother-in-law-to-be. He stood silently as witness to this meeting of men, and felt the conversation regarding to actual ceremony could wait until Chrisius' stomach stopped rumbling.
Mummy Mummy, the castle is hugeeeee lots of big rooms and toys lots of toys and Mary skipped down the long corridors with shes funny Mummy, is dinner ready yet? im hungry, theres alot of people here, why is uncle Chris holding that Ladies hand? is he going to kiss her?

who is that man over there? the one shaking Uncle Chris's hand?
"I must admit, when I first learned of Boo's interest in him, I was surprised, but to hear how she speaks of him, I have no doubt they are a perfect match. Her knight in shining armour," Treena smiled to Misty. "And a fine financial match as well," she teased, imitating her father's voice, knowing it would have been the first thought in his mind.

Treena felt the tension over her shoulder, between Boo and Jack, but didn't fully understand why. Much too happy an occasion to argue, she thought, expecting it to smooth over quickly. They both had more than enough experience in diplomacy, not to mention the familial bond. Sure enough, Boo's announcement broke any ice remaining. "Congratulations, my dear cousin," she responded. "As for Jack, formalities are a way of life for him, take no offense, Chris."

Tears filled Treena's eyes as she listened quietly to the exchange between Chris and Robert. She had so much respect for them each individually, and seeing them come together in the name of love was just beautiful. Not that she would say that to them, neither would be pleased to be called beautiful. Treena giggled to herself at her own thoughts, they got away from her so easily.

As everyone was seated, the smell of the food made Treena's mouth water. It was an impressive feast laid out in the grand dining hall. She waited for wine to be poured and spoke up above the chatter, "A toast to our couple of honour, in every sense of the word. May you enjoy a long happy life together." Treena looked around at the other guests with a smile as she held her goblet up.
Seein Mary bring Lily back from her trip around the castle, Lily ran over all excited.

--Lily wrote:
Mummy Mummy, the castle is hugeeeee lots of big rooms and toys lots of toys and Mary skipped down the long corridors with shes funny Mummy, is dinner ready yet? im hungry, theres alot of people here, why is uncle Chris holding that Ladies hand? is he going to kiss her?

who is that man over there? the one shaking Uncle Chris's hand?

Did you have a good time my sweetie? she couldnt wait to tell her all about it but also she had lots of questions, yes dear dinner has just been served we are going in now, yes Lily its a party thats why lots of people are here, Uncle Chris is holding that ladies hand because he loves her and yes he proberbly will kiss her, the man over there is Boo's twin Brother.

Moving into the dinning room i told Lily you are to sit next to Father Richileau, but i will be close by, now behave dear and mind your manners.
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